Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What actions do guys show when they like a girl?

Guys acts as her knight and shining armor. He will protect the girl know matter what happens. They are showing their concern to that girl by...

What Actions Do Guys Show When They Like a Girl?
By Ahlica Alipio 

A guy courting a girl.

            Guys acts as her knight and shining armor. He will protect the girl know matter what happens.

            They are showing their concern to that girl by fetching her from school or gimmick just to make sure she get home safe. He's willing to do everything that the girl will be doing for her to have more than enough rest.

             "She's the woman I want to live with and can't live without". That's the exact words of the guy that I interviewed.

            Guys find ways to be with that girl every single day. He will boldly go where few guys have gone before just to buy something with the girl like makeup.

            There's a special treatment to the girl they like than the girls that they only treat as a friend.

            The kind of text messages that they would send to their girl friends are casual and there's always a reason like scheduling meetings. But if they like the girl, they ask what she's doing, if she's alright. They try to strike up a good conversation and make it fun by teasing her. And They make sure that the texts are personal and sincere.

            If the guy bump into their girl friends in school or at the mall, they would simply smile and wave at her. But if they like the girl, they would invite her to eat or have a drink.

            The things that they usually give to their girl friends are things that expresses true friendship or something they can look for easily. But the things that they give to the girl they like are something expensive, something that make the girl remember him and something that would mean a lot to her. For example, the girl like dogs, the guy will give her a dog. And they put extra effort on it, something handmade or well-thought of and unique.

            They pays full attention to you when you talk to him. They listen to every word that you say. And try to add something to keep the conversation moving.

            He begin to take an interest in things you like. He tries to sing your favorite songs even if he's not good in singing.

            Guys want to talk with your friends to know what are the things you like and don't like. He asks about you to your friends when you're not around.

            "I will do my best to show my feelings for that girl and I want her to know how much I love her". I heard a guy talking to the friend of the girl he likes.
            If you're in a group situation and he tells what he thinks is a funny joke, he will give his first eye contact (after the punch line) to the person he likes.

            They try to make you laugh like copying what you're doing. They also play with your hair and they sometimes pull it gently.

            Guys are staring at you and looking away or acting like he was looking at something else when the you notice him.

            They try to keep you in view for as long as possible. They tends to look around and stop when he finds you.

            They acknowledge any compliments that come your way. If you do your hair or makeup differently one day, and the guy notices, that's a sign that he likes you.

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