Thursday, August 19, 2010

Striving Life Through Prostitution

"Live your life to the fullest" like what other say's. But now a days survival of the fittest is the term connote's for life, how far can you go for your survival and making your stomach full?

Striving Life Through Prostitution 
By Jana Mae Santos

"Live your life to the fullest" like what other say's. But now a days survival of the fittest is the term connote's for life, how far can you go for your survival and making your stomach full?

                Nina a prostitute who started 17years old then share's that she was already six years in prostitution,
working at Atlast disco pub house in Pasay City last 2000.

                How do you get into prostitution? "My cousin visited us in the province, She told me something about her job. I really don't know that the job she was talking about is being a prostitute. So I go with her here in Manila". Shares Nina.

                For Nina's first time of being a prostitute is the hardest part, but her family is her major concern specially his father who was suffering from a lung cancer. "Since it is my first time my virginity was being payed by my first customer for only 20,000 pesos". Nina shares with dismay.

                 Like what other prostitute experiences Nina also gone into a trauma, when she met's one brutal customer, after having sex with her the customer refuses to pay. "Instead of money he left me with nothing but bruises all over my body. We struggle for the sake of money". Nina reveals.

                 There are really some human being making an excuse just to be free of charge. "I think he just simply don't have any money to pay me that's why he told me that he wasn't enjoyed my service. But I do think he enjoyed. hahaha!".Nina smilingly announces inspite of the bad experiences.

                  When do you think you will going to stop being a prostitute? "Maybe if there's someone out there who will take me seriously and accept me of who I am and what I am. Nina aver's Hoping and praying that fate prevail for her "Like what the bible says there still someone out there meant for each in everyone of us". Nina meaningfully sums up.

1 comment:

  1. the better way to call them is "prostituted women"- nszafra
