Friday, August 20, 2010

Probably – Today is the last day of our Life

People are becoming obsessed because of its connection with end of the world theory. In fact, a movie has been produced about this phenomenon. All are scared. Terribly worried for what could really happen in this year. Many speculations, theories, studies, prophecies, and predictions are being put forward from different parts of the world.

Probably – Today is the last day of our Life

By Nessel Adrian Camille R. Cruz

Eight hundred fifty days to go before year 2012. Experts revealed that this year is the end of the world. However, the question is, is this a reality or just a superstition?

People are becoming obsessed because of its connection with end of the world theory. In fact, a movie has been produced about this phenomenon. All are scared. Terribly worried for what could really happen in this year. Many speculations, theories, studies, prophecies, and predictions are being put forward from different parts of the world.

            The world could end in 3 ways, as of predictions. The first one and most famous is the Mayan Theory on the alignment of the planets. Who are the Mayans? They are ancient and highly knowledgeable in astrology and mathematics at their time. They led to a discovery of a Mayan calendar, which indicates that the earth will change and enter a new era when the alignment of planets happens in December 2012.

New Era in Mayan Calendar

The second prediction is the Solar Storm theory. It says that solar storms will finally put an end to life on this earth. There are scientific evidences on how it affects earth’s magnetism causing power interruptions, pipeline explosions, and even satellite failures. It is proven that is why more people are inclined to believe about this theory.

            The third prediction is about various religious books, which have their own theories on how the world would end. The Chinese Book of Changes says that there will be massive and major changes in the year 2012. The Hindu religion book also talks about 2012 as being a very important date to all humanity. In addition, of course, the Bible, which refers to the date December 21, 2012 as the Judgment Day or the day of the Armageddon.

            Nobody knows which theory might happen in 2012. No one can also say when the world will end. Is there a reason to rush into things? No, just live life to the fullest and satisfaction will takes place when the end is already coming.

While people are talking non-stop about the 2012 end time theory with controversy and fear, they did not notice the facts behind those predictions. Year 2012 is not a prophecy; ancient Mayans excelled in Mathematics the reason why they were able to invent a unique calendar and a mathematical calculator. People know that life is a cycle and this has evidence based on fossil prints. Moreover, everything that happens in the universe is the grand design of God and is part of life cycle that will perpetuate consciousness of life.

            Whatever happens, whether the predictions will happen or not, it is important to be prepared in every event that may occur. Learn to love others and be thankful to God for His blessings. At some point, learn to relax no matter how chaotic the world is because He will take charge of every thing.

            Year 2012 is truly a phenomenon. People should learn how to be prepared when this year approaches. People should know their tasks in this world and do them rightfully. Nobody knows when he or she will die. Nobody knows if he or she can still make it until year 2012 or probably today is the last day of his/her life.

            “Do you want to join this rescue plan?” –Acts 4:12

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