Thursday, August 19, 2010

Start Smart!

Being a parent is a very big responsibility. It entails PATIENCE. Helping them grow up strong, smart, and a good person are just some of these responsibilities. Want to know ways in helping your child the way to excellence? Here are some ways to help you and your baby.

 By Canizza Ebuen 

Every child's mind from 0-5 years old is a wonderful thing. It is still empty, wanting and waiting for great experiences and adventures ahead. It's gear up for boundless possibilities and new discoveries constantly. With proper nourishment and stimulation, every child could learn, do and be more!

Education should be learned first at home with Mommy and Daddy. It is very important that parents especially moms would know how to help their child in achieving excellence.

Need for feed. "The basic need of a baby is to eat. It is important that when you prepare your child's meal, it has enhanced levels of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) advised my daughter's pediatrician." says Vanessa Sulit, 29 years old, accountant. This is to ensure your child's mental development. It helps the brain's neuron to communicate more effectively with one another. It can also help the brain cells transport and exchange details. The more efficient the cells are connected, the more information is stored in your child's mind.

Watch out to your child’s food. Check the nutrition facts. 
Give them proper nourishment for better development.

Chat a lot! The parents who talk to their babies a lot will help their child's language skills develop. Speech is not innate. It is a skill that can acquire and learnt only by imitation. So the more parents talk to their babies, the greater possibility of the development in their child's speech patterns. "I always talk to my baby as if she's already a grown up...talking straight because through this, she will be able to pronounce words correctly without murmuring her confidence is develop also." say Cathy Ebuen, 38, Event Coordinator. The baby will be able to feel assured because talking a lot to your child will create a bond between parent and the child because of voice recognition.

Baby Sophia with her Mom bonding at the park. 
They’re having a great fun just talking and chatting…

Read for speed.  Moms should encourage this important activity. You might never know if your child will be the next Shakespeare. This is to help them develop broader interests, and then turning that curiosity into knowledge. Reading will help your child in knowing the meaning of words and will eventually begin to add those words into his vocabulary. 

Fairytales and enchanment tales are good for kids.

"This I think helped her when she started school because in kindergarten, while her classmates are still learning ABC's, she is already reading pocketbooks for kids." says Adona Macavinta, 36 years old, contract billing specialist. To further develop communication skills, stimulate conversation as much as possible. It will help develop your child's vocabulary and entice his imagination.

Music Pick. Develop you child’s interest in the art of music. Music can heal, uplift, and force someone to move with it. It is also important that you consider and choose the right music to play for your baby. The music may either calm your baby or may irritate him or result to crying. “I let him listen to music even though he is only one month old. This is very important for his brain activity and this is also the time when you can observe if the baby responds to his environment.” says Edel Apura, 33 years old, Medical Assistant. Expose your child to the music that soothes you and makes you happy. Sing to your baby during playing time, feeding, bathing, dressing up and sleeping time. Its okay if you’re in tune or not. It doesn’t matter! Your baby will feel the warmth, tender, loving, care and internally rock with you.

A mother and child having their moment
together peacefully at the sofa, listening
to classical music...

Play and Socialize duo. The best time for bonding is when the mom and their baby play together. There is not a boring time if it’s about playing for the children. “We play blocks, puzzles, and word games. You have to let them experience what you want to convey to them.” says Cathy Martinez, 29 years old, accountant. Playing, building and make believe are the triggers for your child’s imagination. This can also help him stimulate his creative mind. It’s definitely an activity where he could recognize and differentiate shapes and colors. Children when playing are at the same time learning. It is important part of socialization. It enables children to know more about themselves, others, and the world. They can learn how to behave, express their ideas, share their possessions and create or invent out of those. “Children feel more appreciated and trusted when parents do certain things with their children. Children learn to behave well when brought into places such as church or office as compared when they're at parties. They develop sense of responsibility and they learn to adjust to different scenarios. They learn patience especially when waiting at long queues.” Tisha Marasigan, 27 years old, Registered Nurse.

The mommies allowed their kids to play outdoor.

Baby Elija is trying to play with her Mom's stuff. 

Visuals Effect. Watching colorful images, photos, visuals and videos can be use as stimulation for early childhood learning, but with proper guidance. Provide your child with brightly colored illustrated pictures or usually complex coloring books. It can help him stimulate his creative mind. He can learn the different colors and does identify them. “I had their rooms painted and stuffed with bright colors. It helps their moods everyday. You leave them there when you need to do other work for few minutes and they wouldn’t get easily bored.” says Dolly Cruz, 30, Government Employee.

Different colored picture frame in the wall.

From seeing, to speaking to discovering and learning new things, keep your baby’s mental development. Be aware of these things to raise a child born for excellence and victory. They are the next generations, future for this world. It all starts with moms today. 

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