Friday, August 20, 2010

Latest Innovations in the World of Technology

Noel, an ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) student, believes that the latest technologies does not merely affects negatively the people, per se, but the way they utilize and entertain those innovations. “Tingin ko, it is in the person kung paano nila ito gamitin”, he quoted. He did also believe that there are really many advantages and disadvantages those latest technologies possess. And those will depend on the person.

Latest Innovations in the World of Technology
(A succor or a hindrance?)

By: Dennise Carandang

The non-stop development of the world’s latest innovations has been said to be one of the greatest trends/issues in the expanding world of technology. With a six-month interval, newly advanced technology has been constantly introduced in the society. Such advancement causes for a better and easy living. It tends to capture the likeness of the people considering its practical advantages and features. But the question is, does it really help the people to develop their state of living or just affect their capabilities as a human being?

Many of the people today, not only engaged, but dependent on the latest mobiles and gadgets that have been exposed and introduced into their daily lives. Because of that, it greatly affects their morale as a human being considering that it depreciates their capabilities particularly in manually doing their everyday work. Since there are available and alternative ways of doing things easier, they tend to rely on them causing the people not to think too much which unsharpened their minds.

Noel, an ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) student, believes that the latest technologies does not merely affects negatively the people, per se, but the way they utilize and entertain those innovations. “Tingin ko, it is in the person kung paano nila ito gamitin”, he quoted. He did also believe that there are really many advantages and disadvantages those latest technologies possess. And those will depend on the person.

Considering its advantages, it does really make our works easier, faster and practical. It can save time as well as they have capabilities almost close to human making us not to exert much effort on things. They became as our alternatives in many ways which not only benefit individual beings but the whole society as general. Furthermore, those vast changes don’t really affect the coping capability of human beings because they can easily adjust because they know that it will help them a lot.

            As an overall, at the end of the day, the effects of those latest technologies will not depend on something else or someone else. It will be directly proportional on the way we accept and utilize those things. The disadvantages and advantages of the said technologies will depend on us. It can be advantageous and can serve as a succor if we don’t let those technologies conquer our lives. In the end, it will still fall for us because we are the one who caused those developments. We should own them and not us being owned. Our capabilities as well as our capacities should not be depreciated because of our attitude of being dependent to things that bring comfort but instead, use them and practice them, not only for a healthy lifestyle, but for your life to be used to the fullest. #

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