Thursday, August 19, 2010

Effects of computer games to children

In this new era, a computer game is an invariable source of fun and entertainment for children. This virtual world has become a place of fantasy, where they are rewarded for every game they win. Nowadays, video games can be seen in almost all homes, with kids having their own...

Effects of computer games to children 

By Jamaica Diaz

In this new era, a computer game is an invariable source of fun and entertainment for children. This virtual world has become a place of fantasy, where they are rewarded for every game they win. Nowadays, video games can be seen in almost all homes, with kids having their own individual video game consoles and play stations. There are basically five varieties of computer games including sports, general entertainment, fantasy violence, educational games and human violence. There are both good as well as bad effects and consequences on children playing video games, according to the type of game they play and their level of exposure. One of my interviewee says that he loves playing computer games because of meeting new friends and practicing his logic sense. There are also an advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. The positive effects of playing computer games. Computer games that have educational content are proved to have a positive effect on children. Such games make learning fun and entertaining. Even educational institutions encourage these kinds of games where children learn problem solving skills while playing. Research has found that all computer games, including those that have violence need the children to think about ways and methods to reach their goals. This teaches them the ability to plan and handle complex situations. Computer games are interactive games where the child has to practice more and more in order to be the best. They go back to them again and again because it gives them a sense of achievement. Moreover, playing computer games helps in the development of their perceptual, cognitive and motor skills and abilities. The negative effects of playing computer games. Computer games have certain advantages; studies have shown some negative effects of video games on children. Various research studies have shown a relation between aggressive behavior and playing video games that have violence in them. Computer games hook the children to their consoles as repetitive playing and winning boosts their morale. They start feeling that shooting and killing are normal and do not even feel guilty about beating or clobbering siblings or peers. Studies have shown that some children spend a lot of time playing video games, thus ignoring their studies, resulting in poor scores at school. Computer games also have negative effects on the physical health of children. To decrease the negative effects of gaming on children, parental control is very essential. Parents should keep a close eye on the sort of games their children play. When buying games for kids, parents should check the age limit mentioned on the cover. They should also avoid buying games that have too much violence in them. The most important thing that parents must observe is the amount of time their children spend in front of the video game consoles.

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