Thursday, August 19, 2010

Soul Sold For Fame?

Rumors are spreading that Lady Gaga is an antichrist. Some even say that she became famous instantly because she’s already sold her soul to the devil...

Soul Sold For Fame? 
By Marieshem Gasatan 

Interview with Iyam Conti 

“It gave me nightmares and up to now I’m still trying to figure out if the accusations are true or not.”

Rumors are spreading that Lady Gaga is an antichrist. Some even say that she became famous instantly because she’s already sold her soul to the devil.

“I am a fan of Lady Gaga before the speculations that she’s an antichrist. I had all her songs in my cell phone and I copy most of her poses.” said Iyam Conti, Mass Communication student from St. Paul University, Quezon City.

2008 when Lady Gaga first released her album, The Fame. She brought a new genre to pop culture and her weird style was easily accepted by the public.

For every popular song, there is a music video. And Lady Gaga’s music videos are sort of out-of-the-world, but to those who admire her, it’s just the “Gaga thing”.

But in her most recent music video for the song Alejandro, Lady Gaga had gone beyond entertainment art.

Blasphemous symbols were used in the video, and this heightened speculations that she’s an antichrist.

“I am not agreeing completely, but I am a Catholic so I’m confused if the accusations about her being an antichrist are true or not. Because with what I’ve seen in her videos, it’s quite accurate.” Said Iyam Conti

Religious people, mostly Catholics, agree that Lady Gaga’s way of making her music videos is something disrespectful to their beliefs.

“There’s a revelation in her songs that it has deeper meanings. I am afraid of her, yet the tunes to her songs are very catchy.” Iyam said when asked if she’s still a fan of Lady Gaga amidst all the speculations.

There are some who are indifferent about the issue, while there are those who disagree. However, there are still people who still like her despite the buzz that she’s an antichrist.

According to an article by Vigilant, author of Lady Gaga the Illuminati Puppet, “Lady Gaga incorporates in her videos, photos and shows symbolism that refers to the Illuminati and mind control. Her symbolism is deep, esoteric and even spiritual yet she makes song like “Just Dance” which is about being totally numb. This paradoxical aspect of Lady Gaga is something that deserves to be analyzed and understood. While masses of young people imitate Gaga’s gestures, her act is part of a bigger system that incorporates many other stars with the same symbolism.  She is creative and a gifted song writer. But at the end of the day, the “Lady Gaga” persona is a Fame Monster, doing everything required to be an international superstar, including incorporating in her act the symbolism of the elite, making her an Illuminati puppet.”

Catholics may not be able to totally prove that she’s an antichrist, but to them her style of expressing her music is not acceptable. Lady Gaga may be an artist who would do everything for fame, but it is the public’s eye to choose whoever they would want to admire for an entertainer.

Lady Gaga the Fame Monster (photo by google)

Iyam Conti copying 
the pose of Lady Gaga

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