Friday, August 20, 2010

Think of the Gains not the Pains

“Honestly, I don’t want to work at a very tender age. But I want to finish my studies; I want to achieve my goals so I have to work…” 18 year-old Aljon Gemperoa confessed. Due to his parents’ inability to provide his needs as a student, he finds his own way to attain his goal so he decided to work at the age of 17. “Necessity is a motivation element.” He added.

Think of the Gains not the Pains
(Juggling a ball is not as easy as juggling study and work)

By: Cheela Samonte

Sleep-Eat-Go to school-Go home plus the school assignments is what most students’ daily do’s. But what if going home is to going to work? Thinking of it seems miserably-stressful. One youth broke the cycle on students’ daily routine and shares his struggling yet fulfilling experiences

“Honestly, I don’t want to work at a very tender age. But I want to finish my studies; I want to achieve my goals so I have to work…” 18 year-old Aljon Gemperoa confessed. Due to his parents’ inability to provide his needs as a student, he finds his own way to attain his goal so he decided to work at the age of 17. “Necessity is a motivation element.” He added.

The circumstances
It’s been difficult for the Marketing Management senior at Polytechnic University of the Philippines and a full-time Purchasing Supervisor in Clean World Tech Corporation to juggle his two lifestyles due to his overlapping of schedules. “It’s hard for me to weight which among the two is more important.”

Juggling work and study
“In terms of duties of being a student, the most difficult is to accomplish all the requirements of each subject for the entire semester, while during the working hours you’re exhausted…” it’s seriously not easy as pie to balance everything in life especially when you have double paper works – not to mention two boss. Aljon’s difficulties at school is that he can’t focus, he doesn’t have enough time to review whenever there is an exam, won’t able to attend groupings for a certain project due to his work. While in office he can’t concentrate on his work because he is too bothered about his report and most of all his financial difficulties.  “Effective time management is important.” he said.

“Rise early, work hard, strike oil."
“I’m the one who pay the bills, budgeting of foods, etc.” Aljon is not only a working student alone but he is flexible for being the bread-winner of their family. And also the one who provide the needs of his nephew especially in his school needs. “His parents were separated since he was 5 years old. He is on the 6th grade. Hopefully, he will receive his diploma in primary education by April next year.”

Becoming the super-person
Academics have always been essential in attaining a good paying job, but when poverty arises, it became a hindrance to them; thus a youth has to face several circumstances.

“I learned to be productive for every little thing that I do…” Despite of his great odds, His experiences taught him how to face and surpass all the challenges and obstacles of life. He also learned to be strong. He became a growth-oriented person. As well as other Working Students out there who strives with fulfillment and taking every failure as an advantage to build their character better.  “I always think of the future, I do not depend on the others even to my family and friends. Lastly I proved to myself that I’m matured enough to make decisions that will do me good and better person.” #

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